[공지] GL코리아 사업의 비젼 안헌식회장님 이봉희대표님과의 만남 감동과 설레임의 시간

And another one!! The standard of maintaining the position is not as burdensome as other companies!! It is not easy to achieve the position, but it is also not easy to maintain the position… I think our business is only one-tenth of the time and money that other businesses currently have to do!! It is here that everyone can succeed and achieve their dreams with just one passion and one willingness to succeed!!Chairman Ahn Heonsik has such a wonderful heart. CEO Lee Bong-hee, who works with Chairman Ahn Heonsik, is also very good and agrees with Chairman Ahn Heonsik. 4. Differentiation of products. – Many cultivated wild ginseng products have been released and distributed in the market. However, the only products that have been scientifically proven to be of quality are the “Cheonsamjeong” products from Bogo Bio. This means that other companies’ products have not been verified, right?! Just as there is a difference between a product with a KS mark on it and a product that has not been stamped on it like the sky and the ground, the difference between a product that has been proven to contain the ingredients of Cheonjongsansam and a product that does not. What products will consumers choose? The unit price for each health functional food company is about 6 million won per 1 kg of red ginseng extract, and the cultivated wild ginseng extract is about 20 million won per kg. Due to the high unit price, the ingredients of other companies’ red ginseng or wild ginseng products cannot be compared. Generally, the standard for health functional food is 3 mg per 1 gram. If it contains more than 3/1000, it is recognized as a health functional food. As you know, every single packet of every day contains about 5mg of extract per 1g. Our product contains 170-180mg of extract per 1g. The ingredient content is about 35 times higher. How about the effect? Think of it as incomparable. And wild ginseng and red ginseng!! Which product would you choose between them? I am taking the efficacy of the product myself, so I will review the product in detail later.In a word, our wild ginseng products have a super gap that no other health functional food in the world can meet!! 5. Preoccupation with entry into the early stages of the business. The current stage of our business is in the early early stages of the business. I understand that none of the direct sales businesses can achieve diamond positions in two to three months. Of course, I’m not an expert in this field. Anyway, this is the period of preoccupation, which belongs to the business recruitment period rather than sales. That’s why there is a huge vision. From now on, our headquarters will also provide you with a lot of advertising and promotional support. As you all know, sales at Atomy Hammock, which developed sugar, which is effective in boosting immunity, hit 600 billion won last year. Demand is still steadily increasing. Compared to Atomy Hammock, our sales are still less than one-hundredth of a percent. Because we’ve started our business now.. But if we promote extensively and businesses move around the country, should we buy products based on Cheonjong ginseng cultivation roots? Should we buy products based on sugar as the main ingredient?I’ll leave it up to you to judge!!When I entered the Cheongdam-dong headquarters, there were photos of the activities of the United Nations Volunteer Corps, and the meeting room in the office displayed photos of Chairman Ahn Heon-shik. But I was surprised to learn that the figures in the pictures were prominent people who had led the Republic of Korea from the past to the present. The United Nations Volunteer Corps is the only volunteer organization recognized by the United Nations, which was established under the Park Chung-hee administration, and its chairman is held by former ministers or royal family members. As a global volunteer organization, it is an organization that plays a big role in society like light and salt.Among the many good things that Chairman Ahn Heon-sik said, there is a word that sticks in my mind!! “If you don’t make money here, you have to go to the Han River and fall in love with it!” In order to make money like this, all the systems and good products have been prepared, but you can’t eat it even if you give it to me. ^^;3. The owner’s mind. – Chairman Ahn Heon-sik’s mind can be described as having a Pacific Ocean-like mind. Yesterday, I felt for sure that he is a person who has a Pacific Ocean-like vessel. To tell you one anecdote, I invested about 300 million won in my friend about 20 years ago (about 3 billion won now). My friend said that all of them lost money because of the bad business. When he was so sorry that he didn’t answer the chairman’s call and ran away, the chairman said to his friend, “Hey, friend, can you lose money to me and make my friend lose too? It’s okay to lose money. You don’t have to give it to me. You can earn money and pay it back later, or you can’t. But don’t even let me lose my friend.” He said, “I heard that he helped my friend raise it. I was very touched by hearing this story directly from the chairman yesterday.If you want to hear more information about the business, I will meet you in person and explain it to you so that the understanding will be delivered quickly. So I will not post detailed briefings on the business. But I can briefly introduce you. I was able to meet Chairman Ahn Heon-sik and Representative Lee Bong-hee at the headquarters of the United Nations Volunteer Corps. He was so busy that I did not dare to meet him, but I think he helped me because of the will of heaven. lolIt’s a company that already has tons of patents, intellectual property, and billions of dollars in assets, so I can believe it’s very stable, right?!Then, in light of the above six items, I will briefly explain the vision of the GL KOREA business. 1. The direction and vision of the business. – Popularization of wild ginseng. Making sure that everyone lives a healthy and happy 100-year-old life. Everyone knows wild ginseng is good, but since it is so expensive and precious, there is not much research data or information on wild ginseng. That’s why ordinary people live without seeing or seeing it. However, in the report bio, we have acquired the cultivated wild ginseng mass production technology that is 99% identical to that of Cheonjong wild ginseng whose genetic structure is priced at 300 million won, and we have the patent rights and technology that no other company in the world can match. It is a crystal that has already invested hundreds of billions of dollars in research funds through numerous failures and repeated experiments over the past 20 years. No company can invest like this, and we have created the best health functional food in the world that no company can imitate. The company’s goal is to distribute such good wild ginseng products at a price that ordinary people can easily access. What would you do if you could take one root of wild ginseng for about 2,000 won a day?Wouldn’t you want to buy our products that have the same ingredients as wild ginseng even if you couldn’t buy a sprinkle of wild ginseng to my parents, my wife, my brother, and my children? Wouldn’t you want to buy it and give it to them as a gift if you could live a healthy lifeYesterday, I went to Seoul because heaven gave me a chance. It’s only been 7 days since I started the GL Korea business, so I was given the opportunity to meet Ahn Heon-sik, chairman of the group, and Lee Bong-hee, CEO of GL KOREA.<Photographing with Chairman Ahn Heon-sik>Excited felt like he had a heavy responsibility on his shoulders at the back of his heart and heart, and finally came out from a commemorative photo shoot with Chairman Ahn Hun-sik and CEO Lee Bong-hee!!Looking at the photos, I could feel the heart of Chairman Ahn Heon-sik, who is working passionately with great importance in contributing to society and benefiting the world.I think it depends on me whether I can go up with the sponsors who went ahead in two or three months, but I came down with confidence that it was possible and that I could do it.Let’s vividly reveal the stories that happened yesterday.Hello, everyone. We’re here at the time of autumn. When I went out for a morning walk at dawn, I saw that it was 5:30 a.m. and it was still not dawn and the wind was blowing on my cheeks. Now I thought I should wear long sleeves and go out for a morning exercise instead of short sleeves. I exercise and take a walk with my wife for about an hour every day at 5:30 a.m. and have conversations that I couldn’t have due to my busy life. The wife says that the early morning is a healing time for her and the happiest time of the day. In a way, it’s not a big deal, but understanding people’s hearts and talking to them are a really big part of life. Anyway, everyone should be careful not to catch a cold during the change of seasons. Please be more careful about COVID-19<Photographing with CEO Lee Bong-hee> Today, I talked a lot longer. Thank you for reading until the end. I am looking for partners to do business with me at the moment!! Dreams and passion!! And I am looking for someone who will succeed and contribute to society and serve, and dream of spending money where it is meaningful and meaningful!! Anyone interested in business or curious!! If you are interested in purchasing the product, please contact me anytime, I will kindly consult and help you. That is all for today’s posting. Thank you~!!

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