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The first thing you need to do is to find out what kind of studio you have in your area. You can search for sales through Naver Real Estate, Jikbang, and Dabang. After searching for sales through the above site, if you have a favorite house, you can contact a real estate agent to see the house. One thing to note here is that it’s a false sale. Since there are a lot of crackdowns these days, a lot of false sales have disappeared, but I can’t say there’s 100% yet. In fact, there were a lot of customers who visited our office just wasted because of these false sales. If the house is too good for the market price in the area, you should suspect false sales. Also, if the brokerage fee is burdensome, direct transaction through carrots is one of the good ways. In fact, the number of people who do not wear real estate is steadily increasing. The disadvantages of direct transactions are that you have to talk to the landlord directly about all the conditions and that you can’t see various sales. Therefore, if you have a lot of experience in contracting a studio, direct transactions such as carrots are one of the good ways, but if you’re looking for a house for the first time, I think it’s better to do it through a real estate agent than direct transactions.Today’s Posting TopicI recommend not to sign a contract for multi-family building lease if you can’t sign up for guarantee insurance. I also tell customers not to sign a one-room lease contract if they can’t sign up for guarantee insurance. In fact, lease fraud occurs mainly in buildings that don’t have guarantee insurance such as villas. That’s why many people currently prefer to rent apartments rather than villas. This is because apartments are much easier to sign up for lease guarantee insurance.Precautions for contracting a studio apartmentToday, we learned about the precautions for signing a studio apartment contract. We will come back with useful and good posts next time. The weather has gotten a lot better. Winter is gone and spring is coming. I hope all of you reading this will have a good day just as spring is coming.Hello! If you become independent from home for the first time since entering university, or if you get your first job as a freshman in society and move to another area, the first thing you should get is a house that is one of the food, clothing, shelter, etc. Today, I will post about the precautions when signing a studio contract.Next, let’s look at the special agreement, which is one of the precautions when signing a studio contract. Special agreement is one of the important parts in future disputes with landlords. If you have a pet, you must write down whether you can get a pet. This is because there may be disputes between landlords and tenants over pets after the expiration of the contract period.

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