24년 6월 4일(화) 경제뉴스 : 구글·NVIDIA 에코시스템 투자 ETF ‘한경 KEDI ETF 3종’ 출시

구글 엔비디아 생태계 투자 ETF ‘한경 KEDI ETF 3종’ 출시 구글 엔비디아 생태계 투자 ETF ‘한경 KEDI ETF 3종’ 출시


참고 기사 : https://n.news.naver.com/mnews/article/015/0004993118 참고 기사 : https://n.news.naver.com/mnews/article/015/0004993118

While Google and Nvidia’s ecosystem investment ETF continue to rise in big tech stocks related to artificial intelligence (AI) such as Nvidia Microsoft Google, ETFs that invest in these companies’ value chains (value chains) will be listed on the local stock market. Senior Officer for Retirement Pension and Individual General Assets n. While news.naver.com Google and Nvidia Ecosystem Investment ETF continue to rise in big tech stocks related to artificial intelligence (AI) such as Nvidia Microsoft Google, ETFs that invest in these companies’ value chains (value chains) will be listed on the local stock market. Senior Officer for Retirement Pension and Individual General Assets n. news.naver.com



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