Have you used Daily Pay, an open market selection service?

Open Market Selected Product Service Daily Pay


This is an era in which anyone can challenge start-ups with ideas and items, even small capital. If offline-oriented start-ups were the trend in the past, it is no exaggeration to say that online start-ups are now forming a market where consumers can start their own businesses without burden as they can purchase fresh food and processed agricultural products online.

Although anyone can start an online business, I also want you to confirm that online start-ups are not easy for those who have started or run a business. But even though you have good ideas and start-up items, you can’t help but challenge yourself! If you want to start a business more easily and expect desired sales at the same time, you should be interested in operating an open market.

First of all, we need to understand the meaning of the open market, and the open market is an e-commerce platform that connects sellers and consumers directly. The advantage of open market operation that anyone can start a business without conditions is that the infrastructure is well-equipped, but in order to open a wide range of online shopping malls and show products to customers, promotion using various channels is necessary. This can be burdensome and difficult for those who start a business with small capital as well as advertising costs are incurred.

However, open market operations are much more advantageous in giving customers the opportunity to show products they want to sell with relatively little effort. It also provides fulfillment services through the open market, and if a representative example of fulfillment services subscribes to Coupang Jet Delivery, Coupang can easily start a one-person business by taking over CS tasks from logistics management to packaging and delivery.

In addition, the open market also provides an editor function that makes it easier and more readable to sell detailed pages, so if you are a beginner, using the open market is a wise way to start a business and a good way to experience low entry barriers.

If you are currently operating an open market or trying to become an online seller, please remember Daily Pay. Daily Pay is a pre-settlement service that receives a certain fee and settles the settlement amount sold in open markets or social commerce released by the comprehensive financial platform Daily Funding.

In other words, it is a service that allows users to receive the estimated amount of online mall settlement before the settlement date when operating an open market, and has the advantage of being able to operate stable businesses by raising operating funds such as payment and labor costs in advance.

In general, open-market startups often start with small capital, so you often see difficulties when you have to pay for labor costs and payments, but if you use Daily Pay, you can receive the estimated settlement amount in advance before the settlement date. Therefore, as it helps prevent the difficulty of walking around, online sellers should remember the service and use it if necessary.

If you search the current seller reviews, you can see that many online sellers can find pre-payment services such as Vita Pay, Ola, Sarabot Cash and Millipay due to curiosity about Coupang Settlement, Wemakeprice Settlement, Timon Settlement and Interpark Settlement. Even office workers can fully understand their feelings because they don’t know how to make up for the credit card charges if they don’t get paid on time.

Daily Pay reportedly surpassed 30 billion won in cumulative handling in November 2020. By that period, 30 billion won was raised through 5,500 selected products, and the settlement cycle of sales that took more than 40 days on weekdays was shortened to less than 7 days. In particular, it helps the growth of online small business owners due to the effect of shortening the settlement cycle, and many people trust and use it, and the reuse rate reaches about 90%, so I think it is a service that online sellers can trust and use. According to the current standard, it has been selected by many online sellers with a handling amount of about 47 billion won. It is also noteworthy that it has signed an MOU with Wemakeprice to revitalize the pre-settlement service market or has maintained a 0% delinquency rate since its establishment.First of all, it’s easy to sign up. If you enter the website and click on the membership in the upper right corner, you will be prompted to enter your business registration number, which you can enter your applicant’s information. Then, the subscription was completed through an internal review. In the case of new applicants, they are paid after confirming the change in the online mall settlement account, but if they re-apply because it usually takes about 2 to 4 days, they will be paid immediately.It is also available 24 hours a day at 0.03% of the industry’s lowest daily usage fee. It can also help reduce financial costs because it calculates commissions by the day only for the period used, but this must also be a big benefit as it is cheaper than other companies’ commissions in the same industry. And remember that the same commission rate is applied to all users without any difference, so it can be used easily. Even if you use the service, it does not affect your credit rating because it is an online investment link method through P2P, not a credit loan. Therefore, you can use it without worrying, and you can apply without visiting or non-face-to-face through simple procedures, so even convenient use is possible.The Daily Automatic Payment Service, which automatically executes settlement payments from the next day as soon as you apply for the service, is paid sequentially between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. every day, and there is no additional cost in addition to the daily pay fee (0.03% per day). Through this, it is possible to plan operating funds more systematically and plan cash liquidity in advance to operate efficiently at workplaces, so it is inevitable for online sellers?For your information, it is available to all operators who sell products at Coupang, Wemakeprice, Timon, and Interpark, so wouldn’t it be encouraging to use it with Daily Pay’s selected product service that is easy, fast and cheap? In particular, Daily Funding acquired “Innoviz,” a technology innovative small and medium-sized enterprise certification system organized by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups, which is given to SMEs that have secured competitiveness based on technological superiority. [Shortcut to Daily Pay] I made this sentence by receiving a prescribed manuscript fee from a dealer.슉/ / 이서에사 – ANDROI_SSUNG.BLOG.MECopyRight ⓒ 2021 Ski Papa Plenipotentiary Reserved.

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